Hey, sorry I haven't been posting, kinda been busy with, oh you know, LIFE!!! Anywho, new amulets, cool. Also went to the Red Sox game Sunday, Red Sox 8 Blue Jays 1. Kept changing pitchers thought, super annoying. Oh and not this Saturday but next Saturday me and my mom are going to this open house this for this computer camp and she told me that some guy that either makes Nitendo DS games or works at Nitendo will be there. Now to something a little more Wizard101 related. Here about those new amulets? Cool aren't they? Got one for my life spells. Now comes with quicker healing for all your healing needs! SEE YAS XD!!!
Y'all ever play Coin Master?
Back when I was in the vidjagame industry, Coin Master was one of those
games the mobile game team would look at and go . . . dang . . . such a
simple co...
1 day ago
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