Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wizard or Creature of the Week: Morganthe

This Week's Wizard or Creature of the Week is...

Name: Morganthe
Occupation: I think Wizard AND Creature
Hobbies: Wreaking havoc on the Spiral
Caption: When do we get to actuallyh fight her???

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wizard or Creature of the Week: Hobgoblin Fiend

Hi! This Week's Wizard or Creature of the Week is:

Name: Hobgoblin Fiend
Occupation: Creature, Monster
Hobbies: Shield collecting
Caption: Ever notice there are Hobgoblins. but never just plain goblins?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wizard or Creature of the Week: Niles

I said I'll do this on Saturdays, I never said what time. ANYWAY, the Wizard or Creature of the Week is:

Name: Niles
Occupation: Tree
Hobbies: Perfecting the art of Photosynthesis
Caption: A tree's a tree. How many more do you need to look at?   ~Ronald Reagen