Saturday, August 27, 2011


OK THIS IS HUGE NEWS!!!! Bigger than more followers. Bigger than a big accomplishment. Bigger than a major party. BIGGER THAN REAL LIFE!!! Wanna know the news? I'll tell you the big news. I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED MAKING THE HELPFUL SORCERER TOOLBAR!!!!! YAY!!! I have been through countless thinking and countless trial and error and now it is finally ready to be released! If you happen to want to download the toolbar I have worked hard on, click on the following link: Now if for some reason you are experiencing technical difficultys with the toolbar, comment on this post. I set it to automatically publish comments. Other bloggers are allowed to help if I am not available for any reason. Here is what the toolbar should look like:
Sorry if it seems tiny. To be honest it's on extra large, but if you download it the toolbar should be regular toolbar size. Also feel free to comment any improvements to the toolbar and I will see if I can make it happen. See you all in the Spiral!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hey everyone!

HI! I am BACK! Again... I am just sick of it. Being away the back and so on. OK well anyways, here is a bit of real life news AND Wizard101 news. Real life news is that Monday I got braces. I got used to them, but i want to eat cookies without breaking them into little pieces. The Wizard101 news is that I completed Wysteria (a little late I know) and soon I'll have a "Wysteria Photo Album" and maybe some others from the other worlds. Soo, yea. For me the first day of school is THIS Monday and I am SUPER PUMPED!!!! Other than that nothing much is happening. If Friendly reads this he might be interested in this since he also plays DDO (Dungeons & Dragons). I created a DDO account. My character's name is Rycheal in case anyone who also plays the game wants to add me. She is a half-orc paladin currently level 5 super close to level 6. Well I will see you guys in the Spiral or elsewhere. CHEEEESSE!!!