This will be updated soon! :P
This will be updated soon! :P
This will be updated soon! :P
This will be updated soon! :P
This will be updated soon! :P
Yep as shown above we are learning "The Talk". Both the boys and girls learned disturbing stuff. Like how a girl has her period" and why boys use urinals. EEEEEWWWWW!!! Also we learned the answer to where do babies come from. I AM TOO YOUNG TO KNOW THIS KIND OF STUFF!!!
Sorry the pic are crooked, hard to move. If you look closely at the pic on the right you can see that the little fairy is back! YAY! Anyways, this isn't an update, I just got SUPA EXCITED! When I was harvesting my elder pink dandelions, I GOT A GOLDEN PIZZA!!! YAYZ!!! I am preeettty positive it's rare.