Thursday, February 24, 2011

A busy day I had

Hello bloggers! Today was a busy day.

  1. I had an eye doctor appointment which took FOREVER!!!
  2. Me and my mom got new glasses which will be ready either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday
  3. We went to Friendly's
  4. I went to ANOTHER appointment

So today was a busy day. Tomorrow at Ext. Day it is pajama day. So.... be sure to check out the new chat box which can be acessed as a link on the pages menu. SEE YA! XD

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What a day

Hello bloggers! I am trying to be more active as a blogger so that is one reason I am posting. This is one of those "Multiple Purpose Posts", or MPP (I like doing that.). So I am having a day that isn't good, nor bad, just one that stands out. These are the reasons in bullets for more convenincy:
  1. I had Ext. Day today and relized it is less that an hour shorter than school, there is no work, no homework, and optional. It's everything school should be!
  2. Dad is mad because his chair broke and is trying to fix it in front of me as I am posting.
  3. My grandma has amonia

So that is my day in numbers. Not I would like to take this time to remember the recently lost fairy that was flying around my snapdragon. It got to elder and apparently didn't go on to my other plants. x moment of silence x. OK final purpose of post, quick opinion question. Should I move my operations (any laptop and DS, etc.) to my bedroom? I get peace and quiet if I move, but I don't have a TV in my room. HELP ME!!!! Wish luck to dad which now hates his chair's gut (in a chair's case STUFFING!)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Curious feeling....

HAI! Fun fact: hai in Japanese is "yes", and 1 in Japanese is "Itchy". Anyways today I found a fairy flying around my snapdragon and I wanted to show you guys. I wonder if Alia sent the fairy to say hi? Hmmmmmmmm.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hai! Guess what? OK, so at school there was a volleyball game at school. I attended. The game just ended so they were drawing for prizes. I WON ONE OF THE PRIZES!! The prize was.............2 RED SOX TICKETS! (if there are any Yankee fans out there plz don't hate me!). I am supposed to pick them up tomorrow. Better yet, NO HOMEWORK!!! YAHOO! XD

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


YAY! WE HAVE A 2 HOUR DELAY!!! YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I think we will dissect sheep heart today. No blood. Just a heart and some gloves.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Three straight days of posting

OMG THREE STRAIGHT DAYS OF POSTING! A NEW HELPFUL SORCERER RECORD! x CLAPS x OK, so the reason I am posting is for multiple reasons. First reason, if you didn't catch the Super Bowl last night, the Green Bay Packers won (I was rooting for the Pittsburgh Steelers). Final Score was Steelers: 25 Packers: 31. Second reason why I am posting is that today progress reports came out. If you don't know, progress reports is like a report card, but less severe, and it give you a heads up for what your grades are. I got almost straight A's except for a B+ in science. Probably that grade is an A- now cause a big paper grade was put in after progress report grades. So NOW I probably got straight A's. YAYZ FOR A's!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl XLV

Hello bloggers. As you may know today is the 45th Super Bowl. My dad is at a Super Bowl party, and I am going to get some Snax! Who will win? DUM DUM DUUUUUMMM!!! (eerie music plays). HAPPY SUPER BOWL DAY!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Ok so a post I got for an idea on how to get more followers is to post about other stuff besides general news. I thought about it. PvP? Not that good at. Farming. I thought that is part of "Ask Whiskers". Asking about tips. So the point is that if you need tips on anything, even PvP, just go to "Ask Whiskers". Questions will be answered in a week at most.


EMERGENCY!!! First of all I am back (hopefully forever). NOW TO THE EMERGENCY!!! After reading that Alia has over 100 followers (congrats by the way XD)I went to other blogs to see how many followers they have and I realized that EVERYONE has WAY more followers than me! I think it is because I wasn't on often. even though, I NEED you to comment on how I get get more followers. PLLLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZZ?????????????????????